May 3, 2024
Tzu Chi celebrates 58th anniversary, Master Cheng Yen’s birthday with 3 Steps, 1 Bow
By Ben Baquilod
On the dawn of May 2nd, Tzu Chi volunteers gathered at the Buddhist Tzu Chi Campus in Sta. Mesa, Manila, to celebrate the Tzu Chi Foundation’s 58th anniversary and the birthday of founder Dharma Master Cheng Yen. The celebration kicked off with the staging of the traditional 3 Steps and 1 Bow ceremony in front of the Jing Si Abode.
The ritual entails taking three small steps forward followed by a complete prostration with palms facing upwards, with the goal of nurturing humility, faith, and determination. The pilgrimage to the Jing Si Abode also served as a prayer for Taiwan in light of the recent multiple earthquakes the struck Hualien, the headquarters of the Tzu Chi Foundation.
“We’re fortunate to be part of Tzu Chi and be among Master Cheng Yen’s disciples. Let’s seize every opportunity to learn from her,” said Tzu Chi Philippines CEO Henry Yuñez in a message of encouragement to Tzu Chi volunteers.
For volunteer Miaolin Li, the 3 Steps and 1 Bow ceremony is a chance to reflect and remind herself of her motivations and aspirations on the Bodhisattva path. “I took the opportunity to join to be connected with our common goal: to purify our hearts and to create a harmonious society,” she said.
“To be honest, different thoughts flew into my mind during the process, but I try to be more conscious with every single thought arising,” Miaolin shared. “What we can do is to acknowledge them and keep moving forward to cultivate and grow.”
Following the ceremony, participants proceeded to the Jing Si Hall for volunteers’ assembly. Volunteers from around the world were inspired by Dharma sharing from Master Cheng Yen, livestreamed from Taiwan. The Tzu Chi founder emphasized the value and urgency of time, encouraging volunteers to make the most of each second to cultivate themselves and do good.
“Although we’re busy and we come from different places and backgrounds, we all share affinity and one goal,” Master Cheng Yen said to the volunteers. “I have one wish every day: that we have a safe and peaceful world, and that our worries and afflictions dissipate.”
Tzu Chi volunteers from India, who gathered at the Vulture Peak Mountain for the momentous occasion, conveyed a message of response and gratitude to Master Cheng Yen. They were joined by volunteers from Taiwan, led by Tzu Chi Taiwan Deputy CEO Lin Pi-Yui, to celebrate Tzu Chi’s 58th anniversary and Master Cheng Yen’s birthday.
Vulture Peak in Bihar, India is regarded as one of the holiest places of Buddhism, as it is where the Buddha spent a lot of time on retreat, meditating, and teaching sermons and discourses.
“We vow to follow Master Cheng Yen’s teachings forever, and to walk in her footsteps life after life,” said Lin Jing Xian, Deputy CEO of Tzu Chi India for Mission of Charity.
In the Philippines, volunteers also took time to pray for Master Cheng Yen. “We will continuously follow in your footsteps and take good care of the hearts of your children for Tzu Chi mission to become more sustainable,” Miaolin shared. “Thank you, Master for being the mother of our wisdom life. May you continuously guide us and stay with us for a longer time.”